Spring Workshop Programme

Most of these workshops are aimed at early and mid career, both for insighters and non insighters.

We do also have a course aimed at programme leaders who manage the work programme.

Segmentation ~ making better use of limited resources:   April 11th 2017

This workshop will engage delegate with different types of segmentation (behavioural, attitudinal, functional), we will provide an overview of working strategically with the segmentation and then look at different interventions

Getting Customer Perspectives through Customer Journeys:   9th May 2017

Understanding journeys, how to use them, different types of journeys (event, customer cycle, lifecycle journey.  How to utilise the findings and make operational changes.

Embedding Insight/Research Programmes – gaining traction:   24th May 2017 

Programme leaders - How to engage wider business into your Insight programme, have bigger impact within your organisation, using the organisational anthropology to help you make your mark.

How to actually use Evidence to make better decisions:   7th June 2017 

Utilising evidence, evaluating it weight on your decisions, building the evidence base, when is it enough?, when is it too late?, putting the case together.

Get in touch for price and booking information: office@thehiveinsight.com

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