The Buzz

We don’t often have news to share but when we do we will add it to this page. We will also aim to update our spotlight project from time to time, which provides examples of work we have been doing. Government clients we are now on East Shires (and East Midlands) Purchase Order roster, this roster is fully enabled for any government department or associate organisation to be able to buy our services.  In addition we have been given access to Greater London Procurement Portal.


Autumn 2014

News Room

Our Founding Partner has joined the Association of Qualitative Research and is expecting to enrol the company as company members later in the Autumn.

We are also  reviewing joining IQCS as we think this quality accreditation even for executive staff really sets strong criteria benchmark for conducting great qualitative, and quantitative research.  We will update this post as and when we do this.


Summer 2014

News Room

We are very pleased to now be on the Great London Procurement Framework so have access to a range of opportunities that this provides.  We look forward to conducting range of exciting project that framework allows us.


Spring 2014

News Room

We are delighted with the new that our Government framework approval has been extended to include the East Midlands.  As East Shires is an enabled roster, the ESPO system allows us to be purchased by any government department or associated quango or NDPB organisation. For government purchasers, you can buy us via a mini tender or directly via Or


Autumn 2013

News Room

Large flurry of Government briefs, nice that the framework is providing opportunity. The NHS, Metropolitan Police, and National Construction College amount them. We are delighted to be considered. Wish us luck!


Spring 2013

News Room

Horary, we’ve been awarded a place on a Government enabled roster (very validating).  The East Shires Purchase Order system will allow any government organisations a legal doorway to purchase us, which we are very pleased about.  For those in government do feel free to run mini tenders or buy us direct via this portal….